Treating your employees like family sounds nice, but makes no sense.  In fact, trying to run your organization as a family – or even merely saying that you do — will hold you back, and may even backfire. Your company is not like a family because: You have to let people go. You must set and […]


If you expect your employees to do what they can to build your brand, then you better make sure they’re equipped with the knowledge, skills, and resources to do so.  This makes sense, but according to my employee brand engagement assessment research, most business leaders approach employee brand engagement with little more wishful thinking. […]


Hot off the presses or out of the recording studio, here are 5 new resources on employee engagement from me: Engaging Employees Starts with Remembering What Your Company Stands For — on Harvard Business Review.  Most engagement efforts fail because they’re generic. Fuse Customer Experience and Employee Experience to Drive Your Growth — on Forbes.  Adobe […]


“Bruising.” “Relentless.” “Painful.” “Frequent combat.” “Burn and churn.” No one would fault you for thinking a company with a workplace culture described in these harsh terms is destined for failure. Yet, one such company recently nearly doubled its operating income, increased its annual revenue by 27%, and turned in its 8th straight quarter of profitability. […]


– the book:  The Service Culture Handbook:  A Step-By-Step Guide To Getting Your Employees Obsessed with Customer Service, a practical guide on an important topic – the brains:  Jeff Toister, customer service author, consultant, and trainer.  I met Jeff when we were both launching our first books — his was Service Failure: The Real Reasons […]


– the book:  The Five Hour Workday: Live Differently, Unlock Productivity, and Find Happiness – the brain:  Stephan Aarstol, the CEO and founder of Tower Paddle Boards.  You might have seen Stephan on Shark Tank a few years ago.  Although his pitch was considered a major screw-up by many (thanks to a computer glitch), he ended […]