
Facebook’s rebrand to Meta an ill-timed moved – but not for the reason you might think. Critics say the company is trying to create a distraction from the recent criticism waged against it, but the bigger problem is that Facebook is re-branding before its vision is a reality.  “Meta” refers to the metaverse, which, CEO […]


Early results from the Brand-Culture Fusion Assessment show that the workplace culture at many organizations isn’t aligned with their desired brand identities.  In other words, many companies aspire to be perceived a certain way, but the way they operate doesn’t support that aspiration. […]


Here’s a hypothesis:  There are essentially nine different types of brands and you can jumpstart the development of your brand strategy by identifying the one that’s right for you. I’ve developed this hypothesis after working on brands for over 25 years.  I’ve come to realize that there is a finite number of brand types or […]


What is Brand Essence?  At the core of your brand strategy is your Brand Essence — your Brand Essence is what you stand for.  Brand Essence is often thought of as your brand DNA, the essential value of your brand, or the ultimate role your brand plays in the world.  It’s a critical element of […]

back to brand basics

Given all the new media options and technology capabilities today, it’s easy to forget the essential truths about brands.  I read several reminders this past month about getting back to brand basics. […]

#WGBD pinterest board

Spot a great brand in action?  Want to share your favorite brand?  Inspired by a new brand?  Please share your images on my new #WGBD Pinterest board — or tag your Twitter or Instagram posts with the hashtag #WGBD and I’ll make sure they get added to the board.  Images of anything — a product, […]


Today’s post concludes a four-part series, A Brand Strategy for the Republican Party — and Your Business Too.  After reviewing in Part One the problem with the way both parties’ brands are currently being used and introducing in Part Two the concept of a “driver brand,” Part Three: A Third Way — Political Parties As Endorser […]