Denise’s Brand Book
Are you ready to discover
What Great Brands Do?

A vital resource for CEOs, entrepreneurs, and other leaders, bestseller What Great Brands Do: The Seven Brand-Building Principles That Separate the Best from the Rest (#WGBD) paves a clear and accessible road to building a world-class brand. Author and brand expert Denise Lee Yohn identifies the seven key principles behind the world’s top brands and shows readers how they can repeat these principles in their business.
Spotting an exceptional brand is easy. Building an exceptional brand, however, can be one of the most overwhelming and elusive challenges organizations face.
Many business leaders mistakenly believe that brand-building superstars like Apple, GE, Zappos, and Nike achieved their successes as a result of good timing, years of experimentation, or just plain luck. Denise knows the truth: these companies have employed specific techniques that elevated brand-building from a niche marketing function to the core driver of the business, turning them into industry icons.
Denise sheds light on top brands’
proven techniques and reveals how:
Raves about What Great Brands Do
Yohn knows exactly what it takes to raise a brand to the top and keep it there. Here she shares techniques that can elevate a brand to icon status. Yohn’s book is helpful reading for executives and managers at all levels, and it will guide the next generation of great brands.
Publisher's Weekly
What Great Brands Do is well-written and insightful… This is a book worth reading over and over.
Verne Harnish
Founder and CEO of Gazelles, Founder of Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO), Author of Scaling Up
I read your book and my entire company now hears about your teaching every single week. Thank you Thank you. We are on our way to making Vocalink a great company thanks to you!
Amelia Gomez
CEO, Vocalink Global –
With her finger on the pulse of today’s competitive business landscape, Denise Lee Yohn knows more than most how to create, sustain, and leverage a great brand. Her writing style coaches readers in a warm and conversational way as she offers up-to-the-minute advice, inspiring examples of organizations who have done it right, and cautionary tales of some who haven’t. If you care about building your brand to grow your business, you can’t afford not to read What Great Brands Do by Denise Lee Yohn.
Ken Blanchard
Coauthor of The One Minute Manager® and TrustWorks!
Every leader—from CEOs and CMOs to start-up entrepreneurs—will find Denise’s seven brand building principles inspirational and immediately useful. I wish Denise had written What Great Brands Do five years earlier—I would have made it required reading for all P&G brand builders!
Jim Stengel
Former Global Marketing Officer, P&G, and author of Grow
Denise Lee Yohn beautifully highlights some of the most beloved brands and how they’ve separated themselves from the rest by creating an emotional connection between the organization and its stakeholders. When employees, vendors, customers, and the community feel like a part of the brand, that’s when the magic happens.
Kip Tindell
Chairman and CEO, The Container Store
The Internet has resulted in an explosion of options for consumers and never before have brands and branding been more vital to future of a commercial enterprise. Denise Lee Yohn has bottled the elixir of brands and the magic behind brands in this book.
Om Malik
Founder, GigaOM
What Great Brands Do is a must-read for leaders who want a fascinating brand. This book is smart, with insider knowledge, and reads beautifully. What I like most is the fresh perspective that Denise Lee Yohn brings to the table – she’s definitely someone to keep a close eye on.
Sally Hogshead
Author, How the World Sees You: Discover your Highest Value through the Science of Fascination
The seven brand-building principles of What Great Brands Do represent a provocative view of branding. You will look at brand-building with new eyes.
David Aaker
Vice-Chairman, Prophet and author of Brand Relevance
Chock full of provocative insights, compelling case studies, and practical tools, What Great Brands Do demystifies the brand-building process and shows business leaders how to revitalize and strengthen their brands.
John Gerzema
Executive Chairman, BAV Consulting, and Coauthor, New York Times bestseller The Athena Doctrine and The Brand Bubble
If, like me, you’ve never been a ‘brand person,’ let Denise Lee Yohn be your guide in building your brand into your business. Follow her principles, embrace her tools, and execute through every single thing you do. As she taught me, that’s what great brands do.
B. Joseph Pine II
Coauthor, The Experience Economy and Authenticity
While brands have become increasingly complex and challenging to manage, Denise has done a terrific job of breaking down what matters in building brands that don’t just thrive, but win.
Scott Davis
Chief Growth Officer, Prophet, and author of Building the Brand-Driven Business
What Great Brands Do includes:
Case Studies that Analyze the Brand-Building Successes and Failures of Top Companies.
Examining how this approach operates in the real world, What Great Brands Do features case studies from companies including Google, Trader Joe’s, IBM, Patagonia, Shake Shack, and many others.
Demystifies the Brand-Building Process by Laying Out Clear Action Steps.
These philosophies contribute to Denise’s innovative brand-as-business approach, which puts the brand at the heart of every company decision and fuels faster growth, increased profit margins, stronger corporate cultures, and superior stakeholder relationships.