
How To Prepare to Reopen and Re-Engage

As COVID-19 shelter-in-place orders are relaxed and businesses start reopen, take action now to ensure your workforce is ready to re-engage.  Now is the time to hit the reset button with employees.


  • employee experience (EX) — Just as your customer experience (CX) has been disrupted by the coronavirus, you probably need to re-think many aspects of your EX.
  • communications — You may have struggled to communicate appropriately and effectively with employees during the crisis and now communication will be even more critical as you try to get employees motivated and focused.
  • expectations — Employees need help adapting to the operational changes and transitioning to the new definitions of success that will inevitably be part of your re-entry

Learn how to hit the reset button with employees in my new Forbes article.


2018 Will Be the Year of Employee Experience
Fuse Customer Experience and Employee Experience to Drive Your Growth
How to Make An Emotional Connection Virtually

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