The Problem with Personal Health Data
brand-as-business bit: A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of speaking at the Digital Health Summer Summit. My session, “Key Triggers,” was designed to discuss the challenges of consumer adoption and monetization facing products like the Nike+ Fuelband and apps like MyFitnessPal as well as electronic health records and medical devices.
But as I sat through the entire two-day conference featuring presentations by industry leaders, investors, and entrepreneurs, I became convinced that accelerating adoption is the defining challenge of the industry. Many of the barriers to widespread and long-term adoption of digital health have to do with data — data that is useless without interpretation, implications, and integration. So I wrote this piece for the Consumer Electronics Association as a manifesto of sorts to call the industry to change the way data is collected, used, and reported.
Please check it out and let me know what you think — post your comments on Twitter or LinkedIn.