
When will marketers learn that eyeballs aren’t worth more than integrity?!  Brand managers and advertising agencies continue to run irresponsible ads and do outrageous acts in an effort to draw attention to themselves.  At best they might get some short-lived PR but more likely they end up just wasting their money — and damaging their […]

executing on brand strategy throughout customer experience

From What Great Brands Do:  Executing on the brand strategy with excellence throughout the entire customer experience builds brand integrity and impact.   In my investigations on customer experience, I’ve found that the most common mistake in mismanaging the customer experience is starting with customer data.  Using data and analytics as a starting point fails to […]

engaged book

(“brand book bites” highlight the most interesting brand stories in the latest best-selling books.  For more bulleted briefings on the books I recommend, subscribe to my feed.) –  the book:  ENGAGED! Outbehave Your Competition to Create Customers for Life – a practical guide about how to design and implement a sustainable culture and customer experience […]

brand-as-business bit:  In response to my post last week about how Mitt Romney needs to adopt a challenger brand strategy, David Morey, author of The Underdog Advantage: Using the Power of Insurgent Strategy to Put Your Business on Top, shared with me his piece, What’s an Underdog?   In it he makes the point that being an […]

brand-as-business bit:  I’m interested in the Komen/Planned Parenthood situation from a brand point of view, not a political or moral one.  That’s why a piece by James Gregory, CEO of Core Brand, a brand valuation consultancy, piqued my interest. He says the Komen organization should have done things differently by focusing on: “basic ‘brand alignment.’ […]