
Purposeful Leadership

In today’s cluttered, uber-competitive, over-retailed, choice-overload world, your brand must have an clear, meaningful reason for being.  You need to play an invaluable, irreplaceable role in people’s lives.  Hope you enjoy is a collection of my resources on brand purpose and purposeful leadership.

What Is the Purpose of Business?

Denise explains that, at its core, a company exists to create value.  A narrow, short-term understanding limits that value to financial gain.  A more sustainable, meaningful, responsible view of creating value includes making a positive social impact.




Know When To Kill Your Brand

In a Harvard Business Review article, Denise writes that if your brand is struggling, you should take a hard look at your purpose, not just your balance sheets. Fulfilling a meaningful purpose in a compelling way can be as life-giving to brands as it is to people.




Great Brands Never Have to “Give Back”

In this TEDx talk, Denise shows how to become a force for positive change while enhancing your customer appeal and long-term competitiveness.




Why Brand?

In a guest post on Bulldog Drummond’s blog, Denise says that the purpose of the organization provides a more effective source of differentiation because it is more meaningful and more sustainable.




Brands Should Take a Stand

Brands represent more than products or services, Denise writes.  They convey value through their personalities, their communications, and their ideas — and as such, brands should take a stand.




If you’d like more perspectives on brands and brand-building like this, please join the exclusive list of CEOs, CMOs, entrepreneurs, and other business leaders who receive my periodic emailed briefings. As a thank you, you will receive a free chapter from each of my books, What Great Brands Do and Extraordinary Experiences: What Great Retail and Restaurant Brands Do!

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