
What Great Brands Do — Book Launch Highlights

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

As I look back on 2014, I am thrilled by the success of the launch of my book, What Great Brands Do:  The Seven Brand-Building Principles That Separate the Best from the Rest (Jossey-Bass) – and I know I couldn’t have done it without you.

So, as a part-thank you and part-celebration, I am sharing with you highlights from the launch.  Most of the content on the following pages is hyperlinked on Slideshare in case you’d like to click through and peruse.

I hope this doesn’t come off as bragging or self-promotional.  Rather, I want you to see all the great opportunities and results you contributed to creating for me.  Also this might be helpful expectations-setting for those of you who are considering writing a book of your own.

Of course, I could not include all of the book’s exposure and coverage in this recap – but even if your content isn’t shown here, please know it is greatly appreciated.

People ask me, “What’s next?!”  I’m still figuring that out, so stay tuned.  For now, let me say a sincere thank you – and please join me in celebrating what has been a very, very good year!Signature


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