Learn What Great Brands Do
Wow! What a week it’s been and it’s only Wednesday! The official launch of my new book, What Great Brands Do: The Seven Brand-Building Principles That Separate the Best from the Rest, is underway and that means lots of great resources for you to learn about what great brands do and how to build a brand that fosters customer loyalty and increases profit margins.
Of course, there’s the book itself (about which Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager® and TrustWorks! says,
“With her finger on the pulse of today’s competitive business landscape, Denise Lee Yohn knows more than most how to create, sustain, and leverage a great brand…If you care about building your brand to grow your business, you can’t afford not to read What Great Brands Do by Denise Lee Yohn.”
Learn more about the brand book here.
And there’s so much more to check out:
Post2Post Virtual Book Tour – Each day this week, marketing and brand-building experts feature interviews with me and provide their take on my book.
- Jackie Huba, author of Monster Loyalty: How Lady Gaga Turns Followers into Fanatics, started the tour off on Monday by asking me: In the book, you describe the “brand-as-business” approach – what is this and how is it different from traditional branding practices? See my answers and more.
- Social media expert Phil Gerbyshak did a video interview with me yesterday. We discuss why most businesses don’t practice brand-building the way great brands do — and other juicy topics. Check out the video and post.
- Local store marketing master and host of the tour Paul Williams asks me today: How do you measure whether or not your brand-building efforts are working? See what I said here.
- Tomorrow, John Moore, author of The Passion Conversation: Understanding, Sparking, & Sustaining Word of Mouth Marketing, will challenge me with this doozie: On page 212, you write, “Your brand can’t just be a promise, it must be a promised delivered.” That’s a very powerful line. Cite a lighthouse brand that follows through on this promise and cite a brand you’ve experience recently that fall short of this ideal. My response will be here.
- And on Friday, I will answer questions here from Jay Ehret, the Dean of Marketing Know-How and host of the Power to the Small Business podcast, including: Is it possible to build a great brand or revitalize one in a struggling economy?
Write Your Brand Obituary – My new post on Harvard Business Review introduces one of the tools in my book that I recommend for sharpening your brand focus: the Brand Obituary. Read why taking stock of what the world would be like without your brand can be quite clarifying.
Brand New Perspectives – QSR Magazine Associate Editor Tamara Omazic asks me, “How can a quick serve brand in particular achieve greatness?” and other terrific questions. Check out our interview. And while you’re at QSR, check out my latest column, Brand New Perspectives, which features an overview of the book in a single page.
And, we’ve only just begun! Check back here in the coming days and weeks for more resources on brand-building.