
In difficult times like the COVID-19 pandemic and protests over racial injustice, you might be tempted to hunker down, keep a low profile, and avoid taking on risk.  But now is not the time to pull back; you have the opportunity to push forward. In fact, crisis tend to separate those leaders who are able […]


Amazon and CEO Jeff Bezos face a crucible moment with employees.  Given the harsh and widespread criticism over their treatment of Amazon employees during the Covid-19 pandemic, what the company does next may determine its future. Amazon has an opportunity to become the standard bearer in employee engagement.  All the resourcefulness and passion – as […]


As COVID-19 shelter-in-place orders are relaxed and businesses start reopen, take action now to ensure your workforce is ready to re-engage.  Now is the time to hit the reset button with employees. Reset: employee experience (EX) — Just as your customer experience (CX) has been disrupted by the coronavirus, you probably need to re-think many […]


Emotion has always been critical component for brands to connect with customers and business leaders to connect with employees.  But today, when the coronavirus has unleashed anxiety and decreased physical interaction, an emotional connection is more important than ever.  If you are able to make an emotional connection virtually, you will stand out, win people’s […]


Are you cancelling your conference?  Postponing an event?  Re-thinking your approach to in-person learning and development programs?  I would like to help you navigate the disruption and uncertainty caused by the coronavirus and the restrictions that have ensued. I understand that just because you aren’t gathering people together doesn’t mean that your need to equip […]


What does it take for a small business to scale?  An infusion of money?  A stream of innovations?  A big growth spurt? Research and consulting firm TrueSpace and Gallup have issued a new report that identifies the operating conditions that foster sustainable growth among post-startup companies.  The research shows growth-minded small businesses should narrow their […]


Over 15 years have passed since Harvard Business School professor and innovation expert Clay Christensen introduced the “jobs to be done” theory of innovation but his insights remain timely, relevant, and instructive.  By seeking to understand what customers are trying to do in a given circumstance — what they hope to accomplish — companies can […]


In the spirit of turning over a new leaf to kick off 2020, I’d like to suggest five New Year’s Resolutions for achieving great CX in 2020: Offer exclusivity — Pursue new approaches that create experiences that are truly exclusive, different, and original. Develop empathy — Go beyond soliciting customer feedback and conducting survey research […]


What brands should you pay attention to in the coming year?  I’ve just published my list of Brands To Watch In 2020.  Naming one brand per letter of the alphabet, the list includes Amazon and Facebook of course, as well as non-tech sector newsmakers such as Nike and LVMH — and even some unconventional takes […]

Treating your employees like family sounds nice, but makes no sense.  In fact, trying to run your organization as a family – or even merely saying that you do — will hold you back, and may even backfire. Your company is not like a family because: You have to let people go. You must set and […]

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