
Consensus Advisors just released their 2009-2010 Retailer Health Ratings (RHRs) report.  The RHRs measure and compare retailers over a five-year period on: healthy growth asset utilization pricing power balance sheet strength The report and webinar were really interesting and so I thought I’d share some of the insights and my reactions. […]

DLYohn Relevance Chart

“Differentiate or die” is probably a familiar mantra to all; and there’s a well-established albeit less pithy corollary – don’t sell the category, sell your brand.  After all, given the overcrowded nature of most categories, the hope of success for most brands rests on their ability to stand out from their numerous competitors.  And promoting […]


I usually try to keep my critiques to categories I’ve worked in, primarily because I think it’s irresponsible for me to comment on what works and what doesn’t when I have little basis for my assessment other than being a consumer.  So I initially demurred when some folks have asked for my POV on AT&T’s […]

container Store Logo

I’ve been working with a major retail brand and my engagement has included an audit and assessment of retail best practices.  Although most of my work is proprietary, I wanted to share some of my findings here because I’ve found some really interesting patterns. […]

measurement cartoon

Ever since the phrase “you manage what you measure” made its way into the dialogue of corporate America, metrics have played an increasingly important role in the management of businesses.  No one can argue the value of timely, detailed, and accurate measures of performance as assessments of effectiveness and guides for decision-making.  Yet, which metrics […]

kipling home page

Recently several manufacturers have announced that they are initiating an e-commerce business.   I’m not sure of the motivations behind these moves but it seems to be a growing trend. Although many manufacturers have been offering direct sales for many years through their own e-commerce sites, it seems we’re seeing a new surge of interest in […]


Last Sunday’s New York Times included a piece, “At MoMA, ‘Permanent’ Learns to Be Flexible.”  It outlined how the museum’s new chief curator of painting and sculpture, Ann Temkin, is challenging the rules of museum display.  In the piece, I found some instructive parallels for struggling retailers. […]


Congratulations to Jon Galloway, the winner of the “vote for the best blogpost” celebration I held to mark the 1-year anniversary of my blog! Jon voted for “don’t go changin’ to try to please them,” a post I had written about why brands shouldn’t go chasing after customers.  Jon explains his choice: This really resonated […]


One of Harvard Business Review‘s pieces on marketing in these tough economic times left me feeling ambivalent.  In “Five Rules for Retailing in a Recession,” the authors outline how retailers can discover that “a larger universe of growth and productivity opportunities is open to them than they might believe.” […]