
Leading Small

brand-as-business bit:  “Leadership requires we do small things well.” That gem was one of several I gleaned from Ron Kitchens‘ opening to Catalyst U, a conference I had the privilege of speaking at a couple of months ago.  (Other speakers included Cory Booker and Jon Acuff.) Ron describes himself as “Father and Husband. Passionate CEO. […]

brand-as-business bit:  “You can’t have fantastic breakthroughs without frustrating failures.” This is the kind of encouragement we need to hear – and who better to give it than Newark Mayor Cory Booker, who’s personally experienced very public failures (including losing his first mayoral bid) as well as some “fantastic breakthroughs” (including reducing Newark’s crime rate […]

brand-as-business bit:  “It’s time to punch fear in the face. It’s time to escape average. It’s time to do work that matters. It’s time to start.” Someone who issues statements like these is my kind of person!!  And that’s why I was thrilled to hear that someone, Jon Acuff, speak recently. Jon’s the guy behind […]