“Is having a sacred playbook an asset that companies should preserve at all costs, or does it become a liability holding companies back as the world around them changes? Is there a point at which a company’s size, growth, and industry-spanning tentacles make a unified culture of decision-making and inventing impossible?” These questions, posed in […]
core values
Celebrating my 20th anniversary of being an independent practitioner! As I reflect on my journey, I’m convinced that “culture” is as important for solopreneurs, coaches, and freelancers as it is for companies of thousands. Check out my thoughts on brand-culture fusion and why it matters for people who are self-employed. Let me know what you […]
How To Use Your Core Values
Your core values can’t simply be words on your website or on a poster in your office; they must be used. Learn how Amazon uses its core values in my new post on LinkedIn: Do You Use Your Core Values Or Just Talk About Them? related: Do Your Core Values Have Teeth? Fusion: How Integrating […]
To change your strategy – your what – you need to change your how – your culture. And you need to change your culture first – because your culture is what will ensure your organization is able to execute on your strategy. In my new Brand+Culture Series post on LinkedIn, I show how to use […]
As you think about the coming year, I’m guessing are you don’t want another only OK, keep-our-heads-above-water, just-grateful-to-still-be-around year – you want 2022 to be a year of greatness! To help you turn your hopes and dreams for the new year into reality, I’ve just published “2022 Great Business Action Plan” – a piece that […]
In a previous post, I introduced the nine brand types that all brands fall into. I explained that in my years of experience working on a broad range of brands, I found that, although no two brands share the exact same brand identity, there are really only nine general brand types. This post is about […]
Leaders of great organizations have tremendous clarity about the brand identity they aspire to embody and about how to cultivate an organizational culture that enables them to achieve it. Jeff Bezos has made the Amazon brand synonymous with innovations that delight customers by cultivating a culture that doggedly pursues those innovations. Richard Branson has created […]
Brand Book Bites from Scaling Up
– the book: Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It…and Why the Rest Don’t takes all the wisdom and principles of the business classic Mastering the Rockefeller Habits and translates them into practical tools and approaches for scaling up a business […]
Design Is Everybody’s Business
It’s no surprise that the company behind the much-praised Aeron chair – Herman Miller – would embrace a compelling design ethos. The exquisitely-designed chair is featured in the Museum of Modern Art’s permanent collection, after all. And yet, I was captivated by a recent presentation by the company’s director of insight and exploration, Gretchen Gscheidle. […]