
With the U.S. average annual employee turnover rate at 47%, employee loyalty seems to be a relic of a bygone era.  Even if you’ve managed to escape the escalating employee turnover trend, you might want to take a closer look at your employees’ attitudes. Just because someone stays at your company doesn’t mean that they […]


My latest Forbes CMO Network column is based on the basic idea that once customers feel a personal and meaningful bond with your brand, they’re more likely to stick with you. The point seems so fundamental that I almost hesitated to write a piece about it, but as I read about the latest coffee chain […]


Loyalty or Likes

brand-as-business bit:   For an upcoming virtual book tour that I’m blogging for, I’ve been reading Converge: Transforming Business at the Intersection of Marketing and Technology by Razorfish execs, Bob Lord and Ray Velez. The book talks about how to use technology and data to improve your marketing.   It reminded me of a piece I […]


“Emotion is the bridge to take to cross the chasm from the early market to the mainstream market.” That was one of the points from my address at a Women in Technology International luncheon last week.  The topic of my talk was “Crossing the Digital Health & Fitness Chasm.” I outlined practices that enable technology […]

brand-as-business bit:  There’s a saying in business that “employees quit managers” – meaning, usually an employee decides to leave a company because of his/her manager.  In other words, a person’s manager has a lot more impact on his/her job satisfaction than does the company. I believe the same could be said about customers – a […]

A new definition of brand.  Inspiring employees.  My take on the Super Bowl ads and the new Taco Bell tagline.  Check out my writings on these and other topics in the following “brand-as-business buffet,” a round-up of content from me from this past month. retail and restaurants: How to Keep ‘Em  Coming Back — my […]


brand-as-business bit:  My latest Brand New Perspectives column in QSR Magazine answers a QSR operator’s question about keeping customers coming back. The piece outlines my thoughts on increasing purchase frequency — an objective of practically every marketer — I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the effectiveness of a heart-felt ‘thank you.’  Said with […]


Yogi Berra once lamented that, “The future ain’t what it used to be.”   Today companies have a related complaint:  “Brand loyalty ain’t what it used to be.” No longer can brands expect long-term loyalty, even from its most faithful customers.  As economic pressures mount, competitive landscapes shift, and life simply happens, it may seem pointless […]


say cheese

What do cameras and sandwiches have in common? A lot, Jonathan Kaplan hopes. The creator of Flip Video, the super-simple camcorder device that provided a lot of the initial fuel behind YouTube’s early growth, has gotten a lot of press lately about his latest aspiration: The Melt, a nationwide chain of restaurants offering gourmet variations […]