
All the changes that customer experience (CX) improvement tends to involve — new systems and technology, process and operations changes, different organizational culture, etc. – can seem overwhelming.  And sometimes it’s hard to know what the priority should be.  But according to CX leader Devon Westerholm, you really only need to do this one thing […]


If you expect your employees to do what they can to build your brand, then you better make sure they’re equipped with the knowledge, skills, and resources to do so.  This makes sense, but according to my employee brand engagement assessment research, most business leaders approach employee brand engagement with little more wishful thinking. […]


Most people readily agree that self-help works for individuals, but does self-help work for business teams?  Consultants Al Cini and Mark Iorio say yes — emphatically. They are the founders of the Brand and Culture Alignment Toolkit (BCAT) and they’ve successfully taken more than 1500 participants in groups of all kinds and sizes through a […]


The audio book version of FUSION: How Integrating Brand and Culture Powers the World’s Greatest Companies is now available!  Now you can listen to stories, anecdotes, examples, and case studies about 59 organization and learn about how to achieve brand-culture fusion, the full integration and alignment of external brand identity and internal organizational culture.*  Here’s […]


Early results from the Brand-Culture Fusion Assessment show that the workplace culture at many organizations isn’t aligned with their desired brand identities.  In other words, many companies aspire to be perceived a certain way, but the way they operate doesn’t support that aspiration. […]


LinkedIn Top Companies 2018 list, published just a couple of weeks ago, includes the companies that we all expect (#6 Apple and #46 Starbucks); but it also features some surprising ones, including Uber (#12), Dell (#17), and PwC (#25).  So I conducted an analysis to see if there are any commonalities among the list of […]


Hot off the presses or out of the recording studio, here are 5 new resources on employee engagement from me: Engaging Employees Starts with Remembering What Your Company Stands For — on Harvard Business Review.  Most engagement efforts fail because they’re generic. Fuse Customer Experience and Employee Experience to Drive Your Growth — on Forbes.  Adobe […]



It’s launch day for my new book, FUSION: How Integrating Brand and Culture Powers the World’s Greatest Companies!!   Get your copy here. Check out this introduction: […]