Troubleshoot Your Business
Has your growth stalled? Do you struggle to become more innovative? Do you think you’re losing control of your brand? Are you concerned you haven’t figured out your new business strategy? …your customer experiences? …or your employee morale?
In the 25+ years I’ve been helping business leaders address significant challenges like these, I’ve discovered that there is one quality that distinguishes those who are able to thrive and grow despite the headwinds of a tough economy, aggressive competitors, and changing markets.
They define their brand as their business. They put their brand at the center of their business and use it to drive, align, and guide everything their organization does. With this brand-led management approach, an approach I call “Brand As Business,” the brand is used as the central organizing and operating idea of the business. It is the primary catalyst for all decisions and actions and the primary filter through which they all must pass.
The brand-as-business management approach can be used to diagnose business problems and to identify solutions to them. With this in mind, I’ve created UNSTUCK: Use the Brand-As-Business Management Approach to Troubleshoot Your Business. It’s a short guide that introduces six prevalent business issues and the solutions offered by the brand-as-business approach.
For those of you who have read my book, What Great Brands Do: The Seven Brand-Building Principles That Separate the Best from the Rest, this troubleshooting guide is intended as a companion to advance your understanding and practice of the brand-as-business management approach. It also serves as a practical introduction for those of you haven’t yet read it. I hope everyone finds it informative and useful. Please let me know what you think — I’d love to hear from you in the COMMENTS section below.
other brand-building resources: