avoid selling products

Yep, you read that right.  Great brands actually avoid selling products.  Great brands know that people make purchase decisions based on how products make them feel or the identities products help them experience or express — so they seek to create emotional connections with people and use product features as mere support for that emotional […]

Scott Goodson headshot

“You need something like a slap in the face — it’s not enough to do philosophical soft messaging.”  With this point of view on the kind of creative advertising needed today — and other similarly provocative insights — Scott Goodson joins me to talk about creativity as a strategic advantage.  Scott is the founder and chairman of the global […]

Scott Goodson

Scott Goodson, founder of StrawberryFrog, the global Cultural Movement agency, is the newest participant in my series of interviews. I’ve known Scott for many years, ever since we met while I was at Sony.  It’s been a delight to see his agency, which was already breaking new ground back then, grow into a internationally-recognized creative […]


BusinessWeek’s John Fine issued an opinion this week that I don’t agree with, and I’m curious to hear others’ opinions.  His piece entitled “Your Brand Is Not a Candidate” […]