
RTO Mandates: Lessons from Amazon and Dell What Not to Do

If you’re considering issuing an order to your employees to head back to the office, you might learn valuable lessons from the differences between Amazon and Dell approached the change.

For example, a significant change in employee experience such as an RTO order is one of the most important instances in which leaders should apply the companies’ core values.  Amazon’s CEO Andy Jassy exemplified this approach, repeatedly referenced Amazon’s foundational Leadership Principles in his communication regarding the RTO mandate.  The sales leaders at Dell, Bill Scannell and John Byrne, who issued the RTO edict at their company, emphasized the company culture of winning, which is among Dell’s published values, but didn’t make any connection its other values including innovation, integrity, or customer — which seems particularly glaring given that customers are a key stakeholder in any sales organization.

Check out more of my perspectives on this hot topic in my most recent article on LinkedIn.



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