Scott Goodson headshot

“You need something like a slap in the face — it’s not enough to do philosophical soft messaging.”  With this point of view on the kind of creative advertising needed today — and other similarly provocative insights — Scott Goodson joins me to talk about creativity as a strategic advantage.  Scott is the founder and chairman of the global […]

I just read Andy Stefanovich‘s book, Look at More Stuff:  A Proven Approach to Innovation, Growth, and Change, and had to share some of the best bits with you: DLYohn Look at More Stuff   View more presentations from Denise Lee Yohn, Inc. […]


leadership art

Ever since I read Max DePree’s Leadership Jazz (great book, btw), I’ve always considered leadership to be both an art and a science.  But I find there‘s a lot more content about the science of leadership (organizational design, management principles, etc.) than there is about the art. However I recently came across three interesting perspectives […]