A panel of fitness tech executives gave helpful advice and shared valuable insights about building a digital fitness ecosystem at the FitnessTech Summit at International CES. The following are short excerpts from the panel which included Juliana Chua, Principal, Business Innovation, Zensorium; Chris Downie, Founder and CEO, SparkPeople; Florian Gschwandtner, CEO and Co-founder, Runtastic; Philo Northrup, President, […]
Fitness Tech Summit
Wearable technology was a hot topic at the International CES this year and I was pleased to moderate a panel of digital health and fitness experts on the subject. Panelists included Jef Holove, CEO, BASIS Science; Isaiah Kacyvenski, Head of Sports Segment, MC10, Inc.; Dave Monahan, President and CEO, FitLinxx; Ruth Thomson, Business Development, Cambridge Consultants, […]