
Hint Water CEO Kara Goldin on Starting a Great Brand

What happens when a former AOL executive with a 10 Diet-Cokes-a-day diet decides she and her family should be leading healthier lives?  hint water — the unsweetened, preservative-free flavored bottled water that has become the favorite beverage of moms, celebrities, fitness enthusiasts, and more. There are so many great lessons to learn from Kara Goldin‘s journey from a tech executive with no aspiration whatsoever to start a beverage company to founder and CEO of a $40 million+ brand now sold in 20,000 stores in North America.  kara goldin hint water great brand

Take a listen to our conversation in which Kara talks about:

  • sticking to the core of the hint water brand
  • how consumers desire simplicity
  • the work of an entrepreneur

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