
doug stebbins on the retail outlook

Consensus Advisors‘ Managing Director Doug Stebbins joins me today for an interview about the retail industry.  Consensus Advisors is a boutique investment banking and financial advisory firm which focuses on retail and consumer products.

Doug head up the Valuation, Benchmarking and Analytical Services Group and created the Retailer Health Ratings™ which I’ve previously posted about.  Doug comes from a background with various financial institutions so he brings a great business and quantitative perspective to the retail industry.

I’m sure you’ll get a lot out of his remarks about:

  • the delicate balance of managing inventory and meeting demand
  • how retailers can grow by working “the fringe,” and
  • the importance of a strong brand to fuel e-commerce growth

Check out Consensus Advisors’ website and contact Doug at DStebbins AT ConsensusAdvisors DOT com  if you would like more information.

other interviews:

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