the biggest loser logo

The TV show The Biggest Loser started up again this week.  The show features contestants who train, diet, and compete in challenges to see who can lose the most weight.  I started watching the show last season because a client of mine is a sponsor and I got hooked – not only is it inspirational […]

question mark

The folks at BLACKCOFFEE have been inviting folks to complete the thought, “A Brand Is…” I was so fascinated to read the range of responses that I decided to take a closer look.  I wanted to see what common themes emerged among people’s definitions of “Brand” and what we could learn from them. […]


Congratulations to Jon Galloway, the winner of the “vote for the best blogpost” celebration I held to mark the 1-year anniversary of my blog! Jon voted for “don’t go changin’ to try to please them,” a post I had written about why brands shouldn’t go chasing after customers.  Jon explains his choice: This really resonated […]


Today wraps up my 5 favorites on friday series on great brand resources with a post on favorite podcasts.  While the challenge with past entries in the series (covering favorite brand books, blogs, and articles) was narrowing down the huge number of choices, this week I struggle to name 5 great podcasts on brands/branding.  […]

bites logo

Help me celebrate the 1-year anniversary of my blog by voting on your favorite blogpost!  As a thank you, your vote will qualify you to win a $50 gift card from […]

favorite brand books

In light of it being summer and time for some fun, I’m devoting each Friday in August to a post about my favorite brand resources.  Over the next few weeks, I’ll include recommendations for favorite articles, blogs, and podcasts on my favorite topic, brand — today, it’s 5 of my favorite brand books. […]