Last week over 3,000 people gathered to discuss the current, the future, the potential, the challenges, the opportunities, the successes, the failures, the tools, the strategies, the methods, the people, the power, and the beauty of social media and social media marketing.  Here are the Social Media Marketing World 2016 top 20 takeaways from Guy Kawasaki, Gary Vaynerchuk, […]

In my latest QSR Magazine column, I lay out keys to social media success.  Frankly it was a difficult column to write — not only because there are so many media options and new ones are emerging daily (I just learned about and Muuver this week), but also because there are so many ways to use these […]


Does social media have value beyond a communications channel?  An emphatic “yes” is the answer from today’s guest, Erich Joachimsthaler, Founder and CEO of brand consultancy Vivaldi Partners Group.  Drawing from findings from his firm’s Social Currency 2012 report, Erich discusses how leading companies are using social media to impact their bottom line.  He describes […]


brand-as-business bit:  Much has already been said about the letter that JC Penney‘s CEO Ron Johnson recently sent to customers (see below), but I wanted to shine a spotlight on the closing line where he asks for feedback.  See my latest OPEN Forum column  on why I think this was only a goodwill gesture, not a […]


(The following is the first in a two-part blog-exchange I’m doing with Stephen Denny, author of Killing Giants: 10 Strategies to Topple the Goliath in Your Industry.  Because Steve and I are among those teaching the upcoming Marketing Profs University course, Marketing Your Small Business, we decided to address retailers’ issues and opportunities in these […]


I never tire of hearing Guy Kawasaki speak, so his recent address at the NRF’s INNOVATE 2011 Conference was a delight to attend. He demonstrated a spirit of service and humility as he offered the audience the option of hearing a couple different presentations — and then indulged our urgings and delivered both of them […]


After hearing Forrester analyst Diane Clarkson talk on “Customer Service Is the New Social Marketing” at eTail last month, I just had to ask her to share her insights here. Diane’s work at Forrester focuses on online customer service and she’s become convinced “social media and customer service are no longer flirting — they are getting […]


Thanks to my column-writing gig with QSR Magazine, I recently got an insiders’ look at a remarkable company, Garden Fresh Restaurant Corp.  You probably know them as Souplantation, the 110+ unit salad and soup buffet concept, or Sweet Tomatoes, the name they operate under outside of Southern California. […]


The Founder and CEO of Brand Value Advisors, Mike Kelly, joins me to talk about what’s hot, what’s not, and why in the restaurant industry. Mike should know.  Brand Value Advisors is a marketing and branding advisory firm which private equity and VC investors call upon to provide brand strategy, brand valuation, and sales and […]