brand-as-business bit:  last week Best Buy‘s new CEO Hubert Joly met with analysts and journalists to share his plan to turnaround the struggling electronics chain (you can check out a debrief of his presentation from Businessweek). His plan features several smart moves — the highlights: expanding Best Buy’s private-label business, which includes the Insignia and Rocketfish brands […]


Hi folks!  Trying a new feature this year — a monthly round-up of my published content. It’s a mental buffet of ideas that may seem schizophrenic at times (I do work on fast food restaurants as well as fitness brands, after all!), but it’s all in the service of helping companies understand and apply the […]

brand-as-business bit:  Sam Palmisano, CEO of IBM from 2002-2012, stepped down from his post on Sunday.  I’ve been an admirer for years. The New York Times ran a great piece about Palmisano’s impact on the venerable company, including increasing its stock market value to $217BB, making it more nimble and innovative, and focusing its thinking […]