
Bryan Pate, Co-Founder and Co-President, of ElliptiGO has set some aggressive growth goals for his $2MM company which manufactures and sells a fitness apparatus that provides a low-impact outdoor running experience – it’s essentially an outdoor elliptical machine. He laid out his plans at a recent MIT Enterprise Forum, a unique educational seminar-type business gathering […]


The fundamental tensions which companies must manage well was the primary topic of a panel I spoke on last week.  We discussed H2OAudio, a company which makes waterproof cases, waterproof headphones/headsets, and waterproof armbands for iPods and MP3 players. […]

MIT enterprise forum

The MIT Enterprise Forum is a great program for gleaning business insights from real, live case studies.  Every month a CEO of a local, up and coming, high tech company presents an executive overview of his/her business and introduces two current challenges they’re facing.  Then an expert panel of advisors gives their advice and feedback […]