After hearing Forrester analyst Diane Clarkson talk on “Customer Service Is the New Social Marketing” at eTail last month, I just had to ask her to share her insights here. Diane’s work at Forrester focuses on online customer service and she’s become convinced “social media and customer service are no longer flirting — they are getting […]
what’s next in retail from etail
The sessions at eTail, the conference for multi-channel and online retailers, were chock full of new perspectives and new technologies. The title for this year’s event, held last month in Palm Springs, was: “The Future Is Now: Managing ‘What’s Next’ While Remaining Focused on Today’s Brand Experience.” […]
Forrester’s Customer Experience Forum 2010: Creating Breakthrough Customer Experiences featured a fantastic line-up of speakers — including company leaders from client organizations as diverse as H&R Block, FedEx, and Sprint, as well as thought leaders from Forrester and other service providers. From all of the presentations, it was clear that “creating breakthrough customer experiences” (defined […]
a cmo’s dream team
Last week’s Ad Age featured an article called “Why It’s Time to Do Away With the Brand Manager.” The piece, and the Forrester research report which inspired it, argues for “changing the name ‘brand manager‘ to ‘brand advocate,’ and fundamentally changing marketer organizations in response to the onset of the digital age.” It reminded me […]